Archive For The “Architecture” Category

The iconic Bolte Bridge spans the Yarra River and is located approximately 2km to the west of the Melbourne CBD. Forming a critical part of the city’s road transport infrastructure, the Bolte Bridge could be considered the junction for the Westgate Freeway to the west, Tullamarine Freeway to the northwest & international airport and lastly…

Firstly I’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. These photos were taken from the western side of Melbourne CBD. I had hoped to find a good vantage point around the Docklands area but hadn’t counted on just how crowded it would be so that turned out to be a bust. Having pre-planned with…

The Penitentiary at Port Arthur in Tasmania is but one of many historic buildings at this very popular tourist destination, but don’t let that put you off as the site is quite large and you won’t have to elbow your way through crowds to “see the sights.” It’s an easy stroll to take your own…

Flinders Street Station was taken on the same Pakenham Camera Club outing as the Eureka Tower photo. The photo is from Southbank Promenade across the Yarra River at ISO 100, f1.8 and 1.6 seconds shutter. I had taken a number of images at setting like f8.0 and 20 seconds shutter in an effort to try…